Tropical Biosphere Research Center (TBRC), University of the Ryukyus
Application Guidelines for Joint Usage and Collaborative Research in FY2024

As a certified Joint Usage / Research Center supported by the MEXT, JAPAN, involving studies conducted on biospheres in tropical and subtropical zones, our purpose is to promote and develop research collaborations among researchers in Japan and overseas in the relevant fields.
Here, we are pleased to welcome your applications and promote collaborative research projects taking advantage of TBRC facilities located in the Ryukyu Islands, and also to provide opportunities for research meetings using our facilities.

1. Categories for Applications

Applications are categorized into five sections detailed below.

Category Title Details Support Expenses* Application Form
A-1 Collaborative Research Collaborative research conducted with faculty members of TBRC Support in the form of travel expenses with an upper limit of 200,000 yen * Form A
A-2 Collaborative Research (Young researchers) Collaborative research conducted by female researchers with faculty members of TBRC Support in the form of travel expenses with an upper limit of 200,000 yen *
A-3 Collaborative Research (Female researchers) Collaborative research conducted by female researchers with faculty members of TBRC Support in the form of travel expenses with an upper limit of 200,000 yen *
A-4 Collaborative Research (Overseas research institutes) Collaborative research conducted by researchers belonging to overseas research organizations with faculty members of TBRC. Researchers not selected here shall also be eligible for a review for category A-1, A-2, or A-3 (Upper limit on travel expenses: 200,000 yen): Those who wish to apply for the second review should indicate their wills on the application form. Support in the form of travel expenses with an upper limit of 350,000 yen *
B Joint Usage and Research Meetings Research discussion, meetings, etc., organized with faculty members of TBRC. In principle, the period is limited to 2 days. Support in the form of travel and meeting expenses with an upper limit of 300,000 yen Form B

* Applications for Joint Usage and Collaborative Research without financial support are accepted at any time.

2. Eligibility

1) Applicants must be researchers who belong to national or private universities, national or public research institutes in Japan or overseas, or those who hold equivalent positions (including part-time researchers, post-doctoral research fellows and predoctoral/graduate students).

2) In principle, you are not allowed to submit more than one application in each category (including an application as a research member of another researcher). However, you are allowed to submit applications to both category A and B.

3) Young researchers are defined as those who are 40 years old or younger as of April 1, 2024.

4) If applicants are graduate students, the application must fulfil the following requirements.

a. Supervisors/advisors of the applicants are responsible for research activities in our facilities and must approve the application from students by signing or sealing in the form of a written consent. TBRC may demand compensation for any damages caused by the applicants from the supervisors/advisors.

b. The applicants need to have a liability insurance for student education and research covering disaster and accidents during research activities conducted at TBRC. A PDF copy of the insurance certificate must be attached upon submission. Without liability insurance, any harm to University property or injury to others will be the responsibility of the applicant’s supervisor, who may be required to reimburse the University.

c. A PDF copy of a student registration certificate must be attached upon submission.

3. How to apply

(1) Please consult with a faculty member from your chosen research field and laboratory at TBRC’s homepage before submitting your application. Upon applying, please download the application forms in Word format from TBRC’s website and submit the completed documents via email to the specified address, following the conditions outlined below.

1) Subject line: “2024 Joint Research on TBRC at the University of the Ryukyus (Category; University; Applicant’s name)”.

2) Application forms must be submitted in Word format. Files should be named as “Form #_2024 Collaborative Research Application (Category; University; Applicant’s name) “.

(2) A signed PDF consent document, including the applicant’s and their Director’s or Dean’s signatures, should accompany the completed application forms. If the applicant is a graduate student, they must also provide their supervisor/advisor’s signature and seal. The written consent can be submitted after the application deadline, but it must be received by February 29th, 2024.

(3) A confirmation notification will be sent by email from the Research Promotion Section, University of the Ryukyus upon receipt of your application. If you do not receive confirmation after one week of submitting your application, please be sure to contact us.

4. E-mail address for submission

5. Application Period

Application forms must be submitted by email from December 1, 2023 to January 12, 2024.
(A written consent must be submitted by February 29th, 2024)

6. Notes

a. Support expenses can only cover travel expenses and usage fees for research stations at TBRC (excluding Category B). Other expenses such as shipment, boat charter and consumables are not applicable. The support expenses will be reimbursed in accordance with the University of the Ryukyus’ rules and regulations. For more details on the support expenses, please contact your host researcher.

b. The daily allowance and accommodation fee shall be reimbursed, in accordance with the “Regulations for Payment of Travel Expenses at the University of the Ryukyus” and the “Guidelines for Payment of Travel Expenses at the University of the Ryukyus”. (It is preferable to use the accommodation facilities affiliated with the University of the Ryukyus if possible.)

● Daily allowance: 2,200 yen (However, the daily allowance for days when not on duty (excluding days for traveling) and when a rental car is used shall be 1,100 yen)

● Accommodation fee: 10,400 yen (However, one-half of the daily allowance (i.e. 5,200 yen) will be paid for lodging at accommodations affiliated with the University of the Ryukyus) .

c. Shipping, chartering, and consumable expenses are not eligible for support.

d. If applicants are planned to be accompanied by other researchers (including graduate students), please be sure to state clearly in the application why this is necessary. The use of travel expenses for accompanying researchers will be accepted only if the applicants take responsibility for the activities of such accompanying researchers at TRBC. Please note that undergraduate students are not eligible for travel expenses.

7. Duration

The period of joint usage shall commence from April 1, 2024 to March 20, 2025.

8. Decision

Decisions on selection will be made by the Steering Committee of TBRC, which will be notified via email by the end of March, 2024.

9. Notification in case of change of affiliation or supervisor

1) If the organization or department to which the applicant belongs changes after submission of the application, the applicant must promptly notify the office of Research Promotion Section at the University and resubmit a PDF of a written consent by Director/Dean of the applicant’s new affiliation.

2) If a supervisor/advisor of a student applicant has been changed, the applicant must obtain approval of the collaborative research from the new academic supervisor/advisor and submit a PDF of a written consent with the signature or seal of the academic supervisor/advisor in the approval column of the written consent form. *Reacquisition of a written consent from Director/Dean of your affiliation is not needed.

10. Submission of Reports

Successful applicants (applicants who are selected for financial support) should submit a prescribed report by email to “” by March 31, 2025, following the conditions outlined below.

1) Subject line: “[Report] 2024 Joint Research on TBRC at the University of the Ryukyus (Category; University; Applicant’s name)”.

2) Report File Name: 2024 Joint Research Report (Category; University; Applicant’s Name)

The content of submitted reports will be published in the TBRC Annual Report.

11. Publishment

When publishing results of your research, please include a note of acknowledgement (see the example below) mentioning that the results of your research were achieved through joint usage and collaborative research at TBRC. Please also send copies of the publication to the above postal or email address of the Research promotion Section (Photocopies or electronic data are also acceptable).

This study was supported by the Collaborative Research of Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus.

12. Others

1) For information about equipment available at TBRC, please contact a faculty member in your field.

2) Successful applicants must abide by the university rules and regulations. Please pay special attention to the University of the Ryukyus Policy on the Handling of Tangible Research Materials with regards to the taking out of samples, specimens and other materials from your research. For details, please contact your supporting faculty member.

13. Inquiries

Research Promotion Section, Joint Usage Facilities Liaison, General Strategic Planning Division, University of the Ryukyus
1 Senbaru, Nishihara-cho, Nakagami-gun, Okinawa 903-0213 JAPAN
Tel: +81-(0)98-895-8036

14. Document Download

TBRC2024 Application Guidline
FormA_FY2024 Application Form for Joint Usage(Category_Affiliation_name)
Approval Form A
Approval Form B
Approval Form C